Paula Script
Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables
paula Namespace Reference




class  Args
 Access callback arguments (e.g. value of "a" in "f(a)"). Set return value of the callback function, called from a script. More...
class  CharInput
 Input stream for constant strings. More...
class  FileInput
 Input stream for C++ std ifstream. More...
class  IInputStream
 Base class for input streams. More...
class  IOutputStream
 Base class for output. More...
class  NullPrint
 Dummy printer. Use to optimize out debug prints. More...
class  POut
 Base class for print output. More...
class  StandardInput
 Input stream for C++ std input. More...
class  STDErr
 Print output using C++ std err. More...
class  STDOut
 Print output using C++ std cout. More...
class  Var
 Access Paula script variable data. More...


void printVersion ()
const Error * run (const char *)
 Run a script and return error, or NO_ERROR, if everything went well. More...
const Error * run (IInputStream &)
 Run a script and return error, or NO_ERROR, if everything went well. More...
void runSafe (const char *)
 Run a script. If an error occurs, print the error. More...
void runSafe (IInputStream &)
 Run a script. If an error occurs, print the error. More...
Var get (const char *varName)
 Get a variable by name. Return 'empty' if the variable is not found. More...
const Error * addCallback (const char *name, const Error *(*_action)(Args &))
 Add a callback to call from a Paula script. More...


constexpr const char * PAULA_VERSION = "0.1"
constexpr INT NODE_UNDEFINED = 0xff000000
constexpr INT NODE_SUBTREE = 0x01000000
constexpr INT NODE_EXPR = 0x02000000
constexpr INT NODE_STATEMENT = 0x03000000
constexpr INT NODE_STACK = 0x05000000
constexpr INT NODE_MAP = 0x06000000
constexpr INT NODE_KV = 0x07000000
constexpr INT NODE_ANY_DATA = 0x20000000
constexpr INT NODE_NAME = 0x21000000
constexpr INT NODE_INTEGER = 0x22000000
constexpr INT NODE_DOUBLE = 0x23000000
constexpr INT NODE_TEXT = 0x24000000
constexpr INT NODE_BOOL = 0x25000000
constexpr INT NODE_VOID = 0x2f000000
constexpr INT NODE_OPERATOR = 0x31000000
constexpr INT TAG_MASK = 0xff000000
constexpr INT SIZE_MASK = 0x00ffffff

Function Documentation

◆ addCallback()

const Error* paula::addCallback ( const char *  name,
const Error *(*)(Args &)  _action 

Add a callback to call from a Paula script.

◆ get()

Var paula::get ( const char *  varName)

Get a variable by name. Return 'empty' if the variable is not found.

◆ printVersion()

void paula::printVersion ( )

◆ run() [1/2]

const Error* paula::run ( const char *  )

Run a script and return error, or NO_ERROR, if everything went well.

◆ run() [2/2]

const Error* paula::run ( IInputStream )

Run a script and return error, or NO_ERROR, if everything went well.

◆ runSafe() [1/2]

void paula::runSafe ( const char *  )

Run a script. If an error occurs, print the error.

◆ runSafe() [2/2]

void paula::runSafe ( IInputStream )

Run a script. If an error occurs, print the error.

Variable Documentation


constexpr INT paula::NODE_ANY_DATA = 0x20000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_BOOL = 0x25000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_DOUBLE = 0x23000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_EXPR = 0x02000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_INTEGER = 0x22000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_KV = 0x07000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_MAP = 0x06000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_NAME = 0x21000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_OPERATOR = 0x31000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_STACK = 0x05000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_STATEMENT = 0x03000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_SUBTREE = 0x01000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_TEXT = 0x24000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_UNDEFINED = 0xff000000


constexpr INT paula::NODE_VOID = 0x2f000000


constexpr const char* paula::PAULA_VERSION = "0.1"


constexpr INT paula::SIZE_MASK = 0x00ffffff


constexpr INT paula::TAG_MASK = 0xff000000